Andrew Doyle is the CEO of Anti-Money Laundering compliance software, NorthRow. He has written for TechFinitive under its Opinions section.
Balancing innovation and regulation – fighting financial crime in the fintech era
In fintech, innovation comes with a great responsibility to safeguard customers from money laundering, fraud, and financial crime.
KYB: Why accurate business verification matters for fintechs
One of the most effective ways for fintechs to counter threats is by employing robust KYB (Know Your Business) checks. Here, we explore why.
The rise of fincrime: how technology can better protect financial firms and their customers
In this opinion article, fintech CEO Andrew Doyle explains why technology can be the key factor to protect financial firms from fincrime
Accelerating RegTech adoption is a gamechanger for the UK’s financial sector
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, RegTech adoption could be a gamechanger for the UK’s financial sector, argues Andrew Doyle