How to use Midjourney to create business images

Midjourney is much more than an AI plaything. The generative AI service can create business images that are fit for websites, ad campaigns, brochures and much more.

Recent improvements to the service mean you can print Midjourney images at A3 size and beyond, too, so there’s no need to worry about the fuzzy, low-resolution images you might associate with generative AI.

In this guide, we’re not only going to show you how to create business images with Midjourney. We’re also going to share tips on how to make logos, what to do with text and reveal where the Gen AI service remains weak.

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Using Midjourney to create business images

Midjourney can be a useful tool for businesses who need images for a project but don’t want the expense of hiring a photographer or buying stock images (where there’s no certainty of finding the images you want anyway).

That said, you will need to master Midjourney’s convoluted Discord interface and prompting system to achieve the best results. To save us from covering old ground, we suggest you read our guide to getting the best results from Midjourney before diving into business specifics.

One of the key things that businesses may be looking for is image consistency. If you’re looking for images for your company’s annual report, for example, you might want the images to be of a certain style, to have the same colour wash, and to be precisely the right size. There are a few Midjourney tools that can help you achieve consistent results.

First, if you’ve got a style of image in mind — or an example you’ve used previously — you can ask Midjourney to ape the image. Take this typical image of workers in an office, for example:

You can upload the image to Midjourney and get it to describe the image by typing:


And then dragging the image into the Midjourney chat box, before pressing Enter. It will give you four different descriptions of the image, which you can use as prompts to create your own version. Midjourney described the image above as:

blurred business people at tables at office, stock photobaaz, in the style of light turquoise and dark indigo, reflective surfaces, dramatic movement, layered veneer panels, reduced-scale architecture, misty atmosphere, colorful turbulence --ar 128:71

By clicking on that description’s number in the Midjourney interface, we get four new images that we can use for our own marketing:

If you need several images with the same style/colouring, you can reuse the relevant parts of the prompt to create images with different subject matter. For example, “in the style of light turquoise and dark indigo, reflective surfaces, dramatic movement, layered veneer panels, reduced-scale architecture, misty atmosphere, colorful turbulence”.

Creating high-resolution business images with Midjourney

If you’re looking to use Midjourney images in print, you’ll want them as high resolution as possible. The default upscaled image in Midjourney is only 1,024 x 1,024 pixels, which isn’t a sufficient resolution to print at even A5 size without losing definition.

However, Midjourney has recently introduced improved upscalers that can boost image resolution right up to 4,096 x 4,096 pixels. This is described as “Upscale (4x)” in the Midjourney interface, but it’s actually 16 times as many pixels as the default.

You’ll find buttons to 2x or 4x upscale an image after performing the original upscale. Use the 4x for any assets you plan to use in print, although note this will eat into your “fast time” – the amount of time you get access to the fast GPUs as part of your Midjourney subscription.

Midjourney is a complex piece of software! If you want to know what we mean by “fast time” and discover more about upscaling, read our guide: Everything you need to know about Midjourney.

Using Midjourney to create logos

Midjourney is a great tool for experimenting with business logo designs, and maybe even creating a finished logo. There are tricks and techniques you’ll need to follow to achieve usable results, though.

If you ask Midjourney for a logo for, say, a bakery, you’ll likely end up with something largely unusable like this:

The nonsense text is hard to work with (see below) and the content is probably irrelevant.

Our best advice is to be specific and keep it simple. Telling Midjourney to create a vector image is a good start. Although it won’t actually create a vector graphic file, it will create an image in that style. You can then upload it to a site such as and turn it into an actual vector image, which means you’ll be able to use the logo at any size in the future, without it blurring.

Telling the AI to put the image on a white background is another good tip, as that will make it easier to cut out. If we were creating a logo for a bakery, we might use a Midjourney logo prompt such as:

/imagine a flat vector logo of a cake, minimal, white background 

To generate results such as:

If you wanted something more elaborate, we’ve seen the “sticker illustration” command used to good effect on logos. So, for example, this logo prompt…

/imagine A logo for a dog walking service, sticker illustration, simple, vector image  

…generated the following logo:

And although Midjourney isn’t great with typography, it can create decent logos based on a single letter. The following logo prompt…

/imagine a lettermark of letter B, logo, sans serif font, vector, white background

…produced this range of logos, which give you a variety of styles to continue tweaking:

How to put text in images with Midjourney

As we established above with our first example of a business logo, Midjourney is weak when it comes to putting text in images. It tends to create gibberish or malformed lettering. Ask it to include specific text and 99 times out of 100 it will fail.

For that reason, we’d avoid asking Midjourney to create images with text. If you put the following parameter at the end of a prompt…

--no text

… it should, in theory, deliver images without text. However, we’ve seen many examples of the “–no” parameter failing, so it isn’t a silver bullet.

The best way to include text is to generate your images in Midjourney, and then either replace or add the text using a different application, such as Adobe Photoshop or Canva.

For example, I was asked to create an image of a fictional football memorabilia store for a client and Midjourney delivered the following image:

The image looks good, but the shop signage is nonsense, so I used Adobe Photoshop to clone out the existing signage and replace it with a new name:

I had to darken the image slightly to make the text effect look more realistic. Work also needs to be done on the signage in the adjoining store. However, even with relatively modest Photoshop skills, it’s possible to make up for Midjourney’s shortcomings when it comes to text.

If you still have questions about using Midjourney to create business images, please email us at [email protected]. We will consider your suggestions when updating this article.

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Barry Collins

Barry has 20 years of experience working on national newspapers, websites and magazines. He was editor of PC Pro and is co-editor and co-owner of He has published a number of articles on TechFinitive covering data, innovation and cybersecurity.