Donny Chong is a Product & Marketing Director at Nexusguard, where he's responsible for designing the company’s solutions for the enterprise segment. He has contributed to TechFinitive under the Opinions section.
Detecting DDoS attacks: how to tell a real attack from fake news using AI and common sense
Dubious claims about downtime make it difficult to separate fake news from legitimate outages: here's out to detect genuine DDoS attacks, writes Donny Chong
Whose job is it to stop AI-powered DDoS attacks, anyway?
C-Suite executives are wondering how to stop AI-powered DDoS attacks - but whose job is it to do so anyway?
Don’t fall for these DDoS myths
Uncover the truth behind common DDoS attack myths with insights from Donny Chong, Director at Nexusguard, a leading cybersecurity firm.
Time for CSPs to turn DDoS pain into gain
CSPs face both rising demand and DDoS threats. DDoS Protection-as-a-Service and adopting hybrid solutions might be a solution though.
Three technologies making critical infrastructure vulnerable to DDoS attacks
As technology develops, it could make critical infrastructure vulnerable to DDoS attacks. Let's look at three of the biggest offenders.