Right to repair
International Repair Day 2024: “Everyone that wants to keep things in use for longer is welcome to get involved”
We interview Fiona Dear, Co-Director of The Restart Project, about International Repair Day 2024 and why it matters to both consumers and businesses
Is the iPhone 16 Apple’s most repairable phone?
Our resident technology fixer explains why the iPhone 16 is a contender for Apple's most repairable phone yet - but why all is not quite as marvellous as we would hope
Colorado’s Right To Repair law is first to include business-to-business repairs
Colorado's Right to Repair legislation not only makes it easier for consumers to get their devices repaired, but also for businesses.
Parts pairing and the Apple iPhone 16: how Apple’s next phone will be designed by Oregon’s Senate
Legislators in Oregon’s Senate have passed a parts pairing law that may force Apple to perform a radical rethink about how the iPhone 16 works.
How iFixit helps manufacturers make laptops repairable again
We caught up with iFixit's Vice President of Manufacturer Solutions at MWC 2024 to see how it had helped the Lenovo ThinkPad T series become more repairable, and what's going to happen next.