6 Myths of SIEM

SIEM has changed greatly in recent years, which begs the question, what truly makes a modern SIEM today? This white paper dispels 6 common myths about SIEM.

Rumor says SIEM solutions are unwieldy and complex — and therefore only for large organizations. True, some SIEMs fall into the enterprise-only bucket, but this myth overlooks the more progressive SIEM solutions designed for businesses of all sizes.

It’s no secret the cybersecurity industry is facing a major skills shortage. Security solutions — or otherwise — must be designed to enable you to be effective at your job, despite your (likely) limited resources.

When evaluating modern SIEM solutions, look for the opportunities to empower your security team and maximize the resources you do have. We’ll tackle the top six myths about SIEM and investigate what you should expect from a SIEM today. Complete the form below to download your white paper!

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What is Thunderbolt Share?

Intel has just announced Thunderbolt Share, which can link two PCs together in a way that we’ve never seen before. To discover how it works, and what you need, read our explainer.