Cloud Computing

what are servers - picture of a server room


What are servers?

The term "server" is bandied around casually, but servers come in many forms - including software. It makes sense to understand the nuances.
what is hpe greenlake


What is HPE GreenLake?

HPE GreenLake has matured into a rich set of services that are particularly attractive to anyone looking for a single-vendor solution.
woman sitting in light bulb on top of cloud


A brief history of cloud computing

Max Cooter, the founding editor of a website entirely focused on cloud computing, takes us on a 60-year journey from the 1960s to the 2020s... and one filled with plenty of drama along the way.
data sovereignty


What is data sovereignty?

Recently data sovereignty has become a hot topic, and there's every chance it could soon reach boiling point. Here's what you need to know.
what is cloud computing


What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is simple: you lease computing resources and access them over the internet. But there are variants it helps to understand.