Corrections Policy

What is our corrections policy and how do we implement it?

Although we work hard to ensure no errors creep into our articles, mistakes do happen and if we discover them then we will correct them as soon as we can. Immediately, if possible. That’s what our Corrections Policy is here for.

We will update the article and put a footnote at the bottom to clarify the mistake (and explain the revision date).

Sometimes we will also update articles because information changes (such as pricing updates). Again, we will clarify this in a footnote within the article.

If you spot an error, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us through our contact form.

Why are Correction Policies important?

Wikipedia[1] defines a correction as “(..) posting a public notice about a typographical error or factual mistake in a previously published article.” Or, in other words, it’s about publications making themselves accountable for what they publish by acknowledging mistakes, which, in turn, is critical to gain the trust of their audience.

Or, as the San Francisco Chronicler puts it in their own Correction Policy2:

Mistakes happen. How we deal with errors in our reporting is important to maintaining
our integrity and the trust of readers and sources.

In traditional print media it could take months before a correction could be published, since publications would need to print it whenever the next issue came out. In the age of online media, corrections are published a lot quicker, typically within hours of the mistake being confirmed.

More on our Editorial Guidelines

The above policy is directly related to our editorial guidelines. Have a read through those to learn more about how we create content.

In addition, you can check out the many writers that work with us in our meet the team page.

Finally, our about us page is a resource at your disposal if you’d like to know more about our company, its founders and how we operate our business.


  1. Wikipedia Correction Newsletter ^
  2. San Francisco Chronicler Correction Policy ^